Forum Etiquette

Welcome to Explorness!

Looking for a peaceful place to meet other photographers from all around the world ? Then join us for FREE!!!

Forum Etiquette

Examples of unacceptable behavior by members include:

  • The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
  • Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Forum Etiquette

  • Do not spam on the same topic, by posting multiple times.
  • A valid email address required to be all the time.
  • Read carefully topics before you post, to ensure you have the best content.
  • Do not abuse GiPHY images, this may result to account suspended.
  • Do not share the social media link of the forum, there is an additional field on profile settings which you can add.
  • Before asking a question, make sure there are not similar one where you can find the answers.
  • Promoting or selling own products are strictly prohibited on our forum, and you are risking to be banned from the forum.
  • If you receive feedback or help on your topic/thread, please make sure that your respect other community members by recognising their effort and kindness with a reply or a reaction to their post.
  • Our Community is about photography, other subjects are welcome in our Off-topic subforum, but avoid bringing politics and religion to the forum.
  • We are fortunate to welcome photographers from all over the world, who does speak English as a second language.
  • Do not try police other photographers, you can use REPORT functionality for any problems, issues or unacceptable behavior.
  • Please do not promote other competing communities of the forum.
  • Do not try to bring to life dead topics, best option just creates a new one.
    • A topic is dead if hasn't been updated for at least a month or longer.
  • Keep in mind that everything you do post here is public and open to search engines.
  • We kindly ask that you do not promote competing communities on the platform.
  • Any post/thread made that support or suspicious regarding software piracy will be removed from the public and a warning will be given to the account holder.
  • No sensitive information should be shared on the forum, such email address, home address, phone number, credit cards and other personal information. All of them will be removed from the public.
  • Editing your topics

    All content submitted on the forum can be edited by author within 1 day of its creation, after this time you can not longer edit your topic/post. To note, registered users do not have permissions to delete own posts/threads.

    Photo Challenges, Games

  • Only post the image what has been requested, otherwise the photo will be deleted.
  • Comments aren't allowed on challenge threads.
  • EXIF is a must, images without EXIF, is liable to be removed.
  • All pictures must be yours, or having permission from the author to be posted on the site, if you found that using someone's else images or without permission, your account will be banned straight away at our discretion for how long.
  • Payments

    We do accept PayPal payments for such of user groups upgrading or funding our site. You can check, PayPal agreement and Privacy Policy here.

    Account deletion

    If you no wish anymore to be part of the community, or have decided to leave the community, there is always the function for deleting your own account; if there are any issues for some reason, do contact administration.

    PLEASE NOTE: When your account is deleted, everything from the server, including your profile, IP address, and other information you provided during the registration is erased. If you have been banned for violation our site Rules and Code of Conduct, we will keep your IP addresses or email address to preventing you from visiting or accessing this site in future.

    Deleting your account means your content WON'T BE DELETED, as stated in our Terms and Rules. You will have to delete any media uploaded by you, edit any post or topics because once your account is wiped, you won't be able to edit or delete any content on the site. To note, some thread titles, posts and forums are permanent and cannot be changed, edited or deleted in any way. We won't delete any content on request posted by you unless it is sensitive personal data.

    Our Responsibilities

    The Explorness admins and moderation team are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptance Behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in Response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

    The Explorness admins and moderation team have the right and the responsibility, to remove, edit, or Reject threads, posts, messages and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or Permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, Threatening, offensive, or harmful.
