General Cold winter and energy prices

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Vas (Jack)

Vas (Jack)

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Jan 29, 2022
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Don't know the situation in other countries, but here in the UK, the energy prices are really high, plus this winter seems to be cold (unless is only me)

How do you deal with cold situation and energy prices?


Feb 12, 2022
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How do you deal with cold situation and energy prices?
We pay…

What else could be done?
And the situation is not going to get any better any time soon. Energy is going to become increasingly scarce and the climatic conditions increasingly harsh.

Fortunately, there is sometimes good news in this area, such as the announcement of the breakthrough by American scientists concerning fusion. Let us hope that the industrial use of this technology will soon become a reality, even if we are talking about several decades at the moment.
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Vas (Jack)

Vas (Jack)

Live it fully!
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Jan 29, 2022
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We pay…

What else could be done?
And the situation is not going to get any better any time soon. Energy is going to become increasingly scarce and the climatic conditions increasingly harsh.

Fortunately, there is sometimes good news in this area, such as the announcement of the breakthrough by American scientists concerning fusion. Let us hope that the industrial use of this technology will soon become a reality, even if we are talking about several decades at the moment.
I heard people saying that next year the situation will be even worse. Me and my girlfriend are trying not to use a lot of energy, especially heating. As its bloody expensive

I don't think we are the only people who does exactly the same.

Sadly, the government doesn't really think about people.


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Dec 18, 2022
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We pay…

What else could be done?
And the situation is not going to get any better any time soon. Energy is going to become increasingly scarce and the climatic conditions increasingly harsh.

Fortunately, there is sometimes good news in this area, such as the announcement of the breakthrough by American scientists concerning fusion. Let us hope that the industrial use of this technology will soon become a reality, even if we are talking about several decades at the moment.
Just seen this conversation. Just to say that there is a movement called 'Won't pay'. Tried to get people excited in the Nextdoor forums, but they seem to think they were either immune or scared to put their damn heads above the parapet! Saying things like, 'I will lose my credit status' or 'I don't want to be cut off', plus other barriers to put off the inevitable. Despite my stating that I worked for the industry for 12 years and was an energy advisor for Scottish and Southern, and if you stop your payments, they will suffer, not you. These companies rely on the monthly payments and if we all stopped now and not pay until the red bill comes, they will also be not happy. It makes my blood boil, knowing damn well that there are alternatives that will resolve the problems we are all suffering from. The answers to why are quite long and in depth. So here is my explanation as to why we are in this damn mess, and it goes back to the last century..........................

So why are we in this damn mess, when in truth we don't need to be! Here are two stories that combine to show who is in control of our reality! These are not in detail, but a resume of what I have researched over the years.

Back in the 30's, the Nazis created anti-gravidic machines. There are enough pics out there now online showing that they had this technology. We lost the war due to the stupidity of the Americans putting a Nazi scientist at the head of NASA (Never A Straight Answer) from operation paper-clip. And other scientists were put in high positions of other military companies too! What the US didn't know, was that the scientists were still in touch with a break off Nazi group in Antarctica. The US intelligence knew that there was a base there, and sent Admiral Bird, under operation High-jump, with the latest ships with up-to-date technology for the late 40's to mop up this last bastion of Germans. Admiral Bird was beaten back by technology superior to the fleet. The crafts were too quick and deadly, and they couldn't touch them. Admiral Bird stated that the technology of the craft was alien to all of them, literally! AS I understand it, the US sent back Admiral Bird to negotiate a deal, and it seems that this deal lost the US intelligence their control. This was later found to be the reality under President Eisenhower, he tried to claw back some part of the intelligence lost within the US. He threatened to send the 1st Battalion to take over a US airbase. Eisenhower was then given access to that airbase. He was fighting two fronts, as there was a group calling themselves the Majestic 12, which was created by Roosevelt. There was one in that group who was called James Forrestal, one of the first supposed members of MJ-12 and the first Secretary of Defence. Forrestral wanted to blow the lid off the secrecy of how things really were. However, the story was that he had fallen from a 16th floor window after being committed for depression. The death was ruled a suicide, but from what I have read and from what his family have stated, he was murdered. Forrestral was one of Eisenhower's friend as well. Eisenhower stated later in one of his speeches, that we must beware of the Educational, industrial, military complex. That was a statement against his own country! He didn't win the battle against this mighty complex. And there was one more that tried to do the same, and that was JFK. He also stated the same, that we must beware of the Educational, industrial, military complex. He was shot before he could convey the truth. As much as I would like to say that the rest of the world would be indifferent to this, we sadly are not. We are denied the science that would help this world. Those anti-gravidic machines use energy that would supply the planet's need without harming the balance of nature. Where ever we humans are, we will always destroy the nature around us, by building homes and necessary infrastructure that is needed. The negative tendrils that infiltrated the US, spreading itself over the Western world, controlling governments. I know this sounds like a Hollywood story, but its not; the information is out there if anyone wishes to research it. And this has made our lives now very difficult, due to a cabal/elite that has done its best to drown out descent. And any one who creates any type of technology that is not part of the oil and fossil fuel reality has found they are silenced. They have had to disappear or swallow a hard pill. I use to know names and what they created, but at present I can't think of any. Accept one, and his for some reason is still out there and t hat is a guy called John Searl, as back in the 50's he created free energy, that was also anti-gravidic. There is so much more I could write here. But let's go onto the other story and the reasons why we are here in this bad place.

This is to do with Tesla. I assume you already know I think that Tesla and Thomas Edison were at each others throats? Here is one good win, and that Tesla had. And he is the real reason why we have AC and not DC which Edison wanted to inflict on us all. Tesla was an amazing man, but sadly it seems a useless businessman. Tesla went to Morgan bank for a loan. He told Morgan he was creating a wireless system that would travel across the world. Tesla fervently believed it was possible to create a gigantic telecommunications station that would operate completely wirelessly, which he called the Wardenclyffe Tower. It is worth noting that at that time, wireless data transmission was unthinkable, and the applications of electric power were just becoming known. During one of his lavish dinners in New York hotels, Tesla convinced the tycoon and banker J. P. Morgan to finance his ambitious project and succeeded. He was hesitant to invest because he had been impressed with the achievements of Guglielmo Marconi, who was Tesla’s rival inventor, who was also experimenting with data transmission. Tesla bought 22 acres (I think it was about that) and built Warden cliff Tower. Tesla realised that he could make free energy for all from the construction of Warden Cliff tower. When built Tesla started planting lightbulbs in the soil and the lit up! Even 26 miles away, the bulbs still lit up! And this was back in the early 1900's! Morgan was not amused and tore the tower down as he wasn't interested in humanity and free energy, all his mind saw was the loss of revenue to his own pocket. Morgan owned coal mines, copper mines and other businesses, and this invention would kill his bank balance. His copper mines were in full low bringing needed copper to make electrical wiring and the coal kept the furnaces going across the country. Due to that one miserable a-hole the truth about Teslas invention was ripped apart and almost buried. But not entirely. Not sure if this was the moment when Tesla became more of a recluse or not. I do know he didn't stop being an inventor. And at his death the CIA went in and took all his work.

TADARRRR....... Hope this makes sense, as these two stories give you an idea why this planet has gone into a world where we should be flying around in space. The evidence here is clear as to why you only need to look at the stupid stories as to why we stopped going to the moon! And that was over 60 years ago. Tesla had the inventiveness of WCT back in the early 1900's! Morgan saw only his own greed, whereas Tesla had humanity in his sights. We are now in 2023. The world is a lie, where we are all being told that free speech is being quashed, and that any descenting voices are told they are lying. Just listen to people like Russel Brand, Jean Nolan from the Inspired YT and Rumble channels. Well, more rumble than YT, as YT is just another puppet of the controlled narrative. Since the middle of the last century, people's socially engineered minds have become dumbed down, and we are not allowed to veer from the narrative given by those who control governments. Which are the industrial, military narrative. And don't forget within this industrial controlled narrative the fossil fuel industries controls other narratives as well, like COVID. They have a big part to play in why other energies have not been brought to our attention. Unless you do as much research as I have done over the years, then all this is I have typed up, is part of my world. And that world has been what most people would think frightening and strange. I have been part of a world that has frightened me to death and its only over the years have I become more immune to it. Now I want to understand and want to know more.

All this information is out there. It is part of the narrative why things are as they are. There are many more players within these stories. It doesn't even mean that the Industrial military complex allows it, they don't, as they portray their narrative as the truth; a countermeasure to confuse. I will try and answer questions if you have any to the best of my knowledge. Or, you can simply shrug and move on, and that is fine. But, if you can just leave a little room for doubt, as there is no crisis, and why is it that these energy companies are making massive profits? QUESTION - QUESTION - QUESTION always.
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Vas (Jack)

Vas (Jack)

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Jan 29, 2022
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Thanks for your time and effort putting in that post lightmuncher lightmuncher . I don't know as much information as you do, however I knew a bit of information from second story about Tesla, and these bulbs getting energy from the soil.

What I would add here, is because lack of time, people don't really do researches online, the only information they have, is from social media sites, news sites, and news TV channels. Personally, I don't follow, watch any of them, I have my own interests and passion. I would agree that we could have free energy by now, as the technology nowadays, amazes me. Soon, there will be AI out there, checking everything post, reels, story you share on the internet, and building an online profile about you. That's another reason, I don't and I won't use any social media sites, and YES, I can live without social media sites.

I don't want to say that people are dumb, people are just brain washed, not all of them, of course, but what choice they have? We are all, working to pay bills, mortgages and raise a family, that's the human routine. And we are all controlled. We either obey their rules or we won't survive in this world.

I've no idea why we in 2023 haven't got a new source of energy, and still relying on old fashion resources.


Feb 12, 2022
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Just seen this conversation. Just to say that there is a movement called 'Won't pay'. Tried to get people excited in the Nextdoor forums, but they seem to think they were either immune or scared to put their damn heads above the parapet! Saying things like, 'I will lose my credit status' or 'I don't want to be cut off', plus other barriers to put off the inevitable. Despite my stating that I worked for the industry for 12 years and was an energy advisor for Scottish and Southern, and if you stop your payments, they will suffer, not you. These companies rely on the monthly payments and if we all stopped now and not pay until the red bill comes, they will also be not happy. It makes my blood boil, knowing damn well that there are alternatives that will resolve the problems we are all suffering from. The answers to why are quite long and in depth. So here is my explanation as to why we are in this damn mess, and it goes back to the last century..........................

So why are we in this damn mess, when in truth we don't need to be! Here are two stories that combine to show who is in control of our reality! These are not in detail, but a resume of what I have researched over the years.

Back in the 30's, the Nazis created anti-gravidic machines. There are enough pics out there now online showing that they had this technology. We lost the war due to the stupidity of the Americans putting a Nazi scientist at the head of NASA (Never A Straight Answer) from operation paper-clip. And other scientists were put in high positions of other military companies too! What the US didn't know, was that the scientists were still in touch with a break off Nazi group in Antarctica. The US intelligence knew that there was a base there, and sent Admiral Bird, under operation High-jump, with the latest ships with up-to-date technology for the late 40's to mop up this last bastion of Germans. Admiral Bird was beaten back by technology superior to the fleet. The crafts were too quick and deadly, and they couldn't touch them. Admiral Bird stated that the technology of the craft was alien to all of them, literally! AS I understand it, the US sent back Admiral Bird to negotiate a deal, and it seems that this deal lost the US intelligence their control. This was later found to be the reality under President Eisenhower, he tried to claw back some part of the intelligence lost within the US. He threatened to send the 1st Battalion to take over a US airbase. Eisenhower was then given access to that airbase. He was fighting two fronts, as there was a group calling themselves the Majestic 12, which was created by Roosevelt. There was one in that group who was called James Forrestal, one of the first supposed members of MJ-12 and the first Secretary of Defence. Forrestral wanted to blow the lid off the secrecy of how things really were. However, the story was that he had fallen from a 16th floor window after being committed for depression. The death was ruled a suicide, but from what I have read and from what his family have stated, he was murdered. Forrestral was one of Eisenhower's friend as well. Eisenhower stated later in one of his speeches, that we must beware of the Educational, industrial, military complex. That was a statement against his own country! He didn't win the battle against this mighty complex. And there was one more that tried to do the same, and that was JFK. He also stated the same, that we must beware of the Educational, industrial, military complex. He was shot before he could convey the truth. As much as I would like to say that the rest of the world would be indifferent to this, we sadly are not. We are denied the science that would help this world. Those anti-gravidic machines use energy that would supply the planet's need without harming the balance of nature. Where ever we humans are, we will always destroy the nature around us, by building homes and necessary infrastructure that is needed. The negative tendrils that infiltrated the US, spreading itself over the Western world, controlling governments. I know this sounds like a Hollywood story, but its not; the information is out there if anyone wishes to research it. And this has made our lives now very difficult, due to a cabal/elite that has done its best to drown out descent. And any one who creates any type of technology that is not part of the oil and fossil fuel reality has found they are silenced. They have had to disappear or swallow a hard pill. I use to know names and what they created, but at present I can't think of any. Accept one, and his for some reason is still out there and t hat is a guy called John Searl, as back in the 50's he created free energy, that was also anti-gravidic. There is so much more I could write here. But let's go onto the other story and the reasons why we are here in this bad place.

This is to do with Tesla. I assume you already know I think that Tesla and Thomas Edison were at each others throats? Here is one good win, and that Tesla had. And he is the real reason why we have AC and not DC which Edison wanted to inflict on us all. Tesla was an amazing man, but sadly it seems a useless businessman. Tesla went to Morgan bank for a loan. He told Morgan he was creating a wireless system that would travel across the world. Tesla fervently believed it was possible to create a gigantic telecommunications station that would operate completely wirelessly, which he called the Wardenclyffe Tower. It is worth noting that at that time, wireless data transmission was unthinkable, and the applications of electric power were just becoming known. During one of his lavish dinners in New York hotels, Tesla convinced the tycoon and banker J. P. Morgan to finance his ambitious project and succeeded. He was hesitant to invest because he had been impressed with the achievements of Guglielmo Marconi, who was Tesla’s rival inventor, who was also experimenting with data transmission. Tesla bought 22 acres (I think it was about that) and built Warden cliff Tower. Tesla realised that he could make free energy for all from the construction of Warden Cliff tower. When built Tesla started planting lightbulbs in the soil and the lit up! Even 26 miles away, the bulbs still lit up! And this was back in the early 1900's! Morgan was not amused and tore the tower down as he wasn't interested in humanity and free energy, all his mind saw was the loss of revenue to his own pocket. Morgan owned coal mines, copper mines and other businesses, and this invention would kill his bank balance. His copper mines were in full low bringing needed copper to make electrical wiring and the coal kept the furnaces going across the country. Due to that one miserable a-hole the truth about Teslas invention was ripped apart and almost buried. But not entirely. Not sure if this was the moment when Tesla became more of a recluse or not. I do know he didn't stop being an inventor. And at his death the CIA went in and took all his work.

TADARRRR....... Hope this makes sense, as these two stories give you an idea why this planet has gone into a world where we should be flying around in space. The evidence here is clear as to why you only need to look at the stupid stories as to why we stopped going to the moon! And that was over 60 years ago. Tesla had the inventiveness of WCT back in the early 1900's! Morgan saw only his own greed, whereas Tesla had humanity in his sights. We are now in 2023. The world is a lie, where we are all being told that free speech is being quashed, and that any descenting voices are told they are lying. Just listen to people like Russel Brand, Jean Nolan from the Inspired YT and Rumble channels. Well, more rumble than YT, as YT is just another puppet of the controlled narrative. Since the middle of the last century, people's socially engineered minds have become dumbed down, and we are not allowed to veer from the narrative given by those who control governments. Which are the industrial, military narrative. And don't forget within this industrial controlled narrative the fossil fuel industries controls other narratives as well, like COVID. They have a big part to play in why other energies have not been brought to our attention. Unless you do as much research as I have done over the years, then all this is I have typed up, is part of my world. And that world has been what most people would think frightening and strange. I have been part of a world that has frightened me to death and its only over the years have I become more immune to it. Now I want to understand and want to know more.

All this information is out there. It is part of the narrative why things are as they are. There are many more players within these stories. It doesn't even mean that the Industrial military complex allows it, they don't, as they portray their narrative as the truth; a countermeasure to confuse. I will try and answer questions if you have any to the best of my knowledge. Or, you can simply shrug and move on, and that is fine. But, if you can just leave a little room for doubt, as there is no crisis, and why is it that these energy companies are making massive profits? QUESTION - QUESTION - QUESTION always.
Mmmh... I love the smell of conspiracy theories in the morning!
I like the pictures you posted here, I also like SF, but for the rest I am very skeptical.


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Dec 18, 2022
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Mmmh... I love the smell of conspiracy theories in the morning!
I like the pictures you posted here, I also like SF, but for the rest I am very skeptical.
Hey Morexp57 Morexp57 what about my music, don't you love that, like this one, 'I left my brains in San Francisco'! 😂


Feb 12, 2022
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Hey Morexp57 Morexp57 what about my music, don't you love that, like this one, 'I left my brains in San Francisco'! 😂
SF was for science-fiction 🙃, and, as a non-English speaker, I'm not sure I understand what you mean... if I search the net, I can only find a series of books by Karina Fabian with the title « I left my brains in San Francisco »

So I'm a bit lost 🤔


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Dec 18, 2022
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SF was for science-fiction 🙃, and, as a non-English speaker, I'm not sure I understand what you mean... if I search the net, I can only find a series of books by Karina Fabian with the title « I left my brains in San Francisco »

So I'm a bit lost 🤔
Sorry you don't know my real name, which is stupid of me. And it makes the joke even sweeter on me I guess. 🤪 Its my names sake, without a good voice and little money in my name. American Singer called Tony Bennett. One of his famous songs is I left my heart in San Francisco. So sorry for confusing the world.
Morexp57, I can't make anyone see my world, the reality is my own truth. I love debates and won't impinge on anyone who doesn't want to hear. We are all on our own paths following their own course. There is a Zen book called, if you see the Buddha on the road, kill him. I may have mentioned that before here, I can't recall? 🤔🫣
And just to keep you singing along I left my brains in San Francisco :ROFLMAO: Yeah, I know I am weird. But I do prefer that to being normal, as it would mean I would have to fit in with the rest of humanity.