Nikon D850
Tamron SP 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2
Vibration Reduction OFF (Very important)
Multiple Exposure function in AVG (average Mode)
10 long exposures each one as below with self timer adjusted at 2'' after press of shutter button, with 10 sequential shots with 0.5'' interval between them. ( Important because you never touch the camera after first press)
ETTR Technique (Expose To The Right of the Histogram for sensor/light saturation and low signal to noise ratio)
+0.7 EV Exposure Compensation to compensate for ETTR
s 5''
iso 64
Final file stacked in camera and proccesed in Photoshop

Tamron SP 15-30mm f/2.8 Di VC USD G2
Vibration Reduction OFF (Very important)
Multiple Exposure function in AVG (average Mode)
10 long exposures each one as below with self timer adjusted at 2'' after press of shutter button, with 10 sequential shots with 0.5'' interval between them. ( Important because you never touch the camera after first press)
ETTR Technique (Expose To The Right of the Histogram for sensor/light saturation and low signal to noise ratio)
+0.7 EV Exposure Compensation to compensate for ETTR
s 5''
iso 64
Final file stacked in camera and proccesed in Photoshop