This place used to get terrible press, but regeneration monies have been invested in a number of key areas and slowly the town centre is improving. This is the Kinmel Bay end of town.
Looks like a lot of money has been poured in, as it's quite impressive. Looks more like an image from a ship; which is obviously the point due to location. The image certainly leads the eye to the centre, then upwards. Well done, you certainly have a good eye and love the way you get out there to take those photos.
Had to edit a bit more here, as I was looking at the night sky and all the lens flares. This is to the other guys who have yet to see this work. Would love to know your views an all the colours that are being spread from the lens. Is it too much, too little, just right? What would your editing advice be? And as I type this, I would have edited the night sky to be darker. But as I always say, this art is always down to personal likes and dislikes.
The lens flares are purely down to the f-stop (and I quite like that one of the lights isn't working on the right, for me it adds something by not being there, but then again my working day is partly lighting design, so...) In adjusting the white balance, which is driven by the Kelvin of the lamps used I found that this bluer temperature crisped up the frost and kind of conveyed how bitterly cold the night was.
You are right about the night sky as I did want to darken that more but struggled to separate the foreground and sky adequately to not lose too much detail. I think that will come with practice, at least i hope it does.
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