How about something like this? Just did a quick edit in LightroomView attachment 1179
Calm view of Laguná Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina.
The visible "stains" are actually birds, lots of them flying around.
Just perfect! I like much more without the birds. To be even more clean I would remove the small sensor dust spot that is in the water.
You are right, I saw the branches on the horizon too late. I actually left the birtds on purpose.lovely scene.
There are a few dust spots which can be removed in post, and I find the blurred birds to be distracting.
I like the branches in the foreground except the one on the horizon line, which I think would have been nicer a little higher up in the skyline, so it did not clash with the horizon land and sunset so much.
WOW, looks like a scene out of "The Birds" LOLJust to give an idea of the number of birds flying around ... !!View attachment 1199
Hey moderator, there IS landscape here, plese do not delete!!