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  • Thread starter newmikey
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New member
Feb 9, 2022
Edit my images
Awesome to have a place dedicated to landscape photography. I can't do better than the intro on my own website which reads:

"Mike – driven photographer with a marked preference for landscapes and cityscapes as well as close-up and macro subject matter. Mike often emphasizes details and textures within the wider context of an image and uses a plethora of image editing techniques to reflect reality as it is experienced not as it is simply seen. Photography as a feeling.

Mike also creates graphic work which is based on a photograph but ends up leaning more towards the abstract. The area in the north-western part of the Netherlands but also his frequent travels are often the inspiration. One of Mike’s motto’s in life is “Look back to where you just came from, you’ll see more that way” and he takes that very seriously. The world of a photographer has to be as large- and the perspectives as varied as possible.

Technical: Mike captures his images on a high-end 24 megapixel APS-C digital reflex with a broad range of quality optics (for those large and varied perspectives of course ) and he processes his images almost exclusively with open-source software because it offers such a variety of possibilities without the end-result turning out too cliché or standard.


EDIT: member of macroderie which is how I found this place