General I have found that the digital world reveals another reality

  • Thread starter lightmuncher
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  • Watchers 1

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General off topic discussion.


New member
Dec 18, 2022
Edit my images
My time has mostly been taken up talking to different scientists and other persons who talk about the multidimensional realities we live in. I have been slowly over the years uncovering this world. When you remove ANY part of ANY digital image, this strange world comes to life, by using simple tools, Dodge and Burn. Here is a link where I show how I expose it on a moon image of mine. Also, I have cropped down and down and this reality still shows itself. The techniques I use, won't work on a normal image, only on this other reality.
Anyway, look at the images and video. Would love to know your thoughts if you have any. This is a landscape that looks nothing like we know it. It has no visual vegetation, it is purely technology, from one end to another. It will confuse your eyes as I can only get so close, but follow the lines and see the intelligent structures.

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Andy Smith

Andy Smith

Feb 10, 2022
Edit my images
Interesting concepts lightmuncher and it certainly makes you think. I like the images.


New member
Dec 18, 2022
Edit my images
Interesting concepts lightmuncher and it certainly makes you think. I like the images.
It's mind-boggling to say the least! Just posted another video on youtube and flickr (same video by the way), and making another. The new one is how to start on an image from scratch and is a 'normal' image of a dandelion head in full yellow bloom. It takes months to work on a whole image. There are things you can do that would destroy a normal image, but here the information is still there. I work mainly with ONE pixel to get the details. You cannot get close to it. You can crop as much as you want and when you work on it through the simple tools, there will emerge a similar landscape at the same distance as the original that you cropped down from. It doesn't act in the ways you would imagine. Which is why this scientist has taken an interest.